Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The gang that couldn't shoot straight

They were wrong about the recession. They were wrong about the deficit.

Now they are wrong about any economic recovery: (http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090831/tories_election_090901/20090901?hub=TopStories)

McCallum also pointed to Monday's news that Canada's economy grew by 0.1 per cent in June, about half the growth the private sector had expected.

"Well I certainly think a strong case can be made for a change in government on grounds of economic mismanagement because yesterday's growth numbers showed that, far from leading the G7 out of recession, Canada was dead last in its economic performance in the second quarter,"

And they simply have no idea about their own stimulus package:

"The Conservatives spent the summer announcing billions in infrastructure spending, but the minister in charge won't say how many jobs the cash has created."

Canadians deserve better on the economy than Harper's misleading, Flaherty's incompetence, and Baird's guesswork.

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